Health - Hairballs
Hairballs in Cats
There's nothing quite like the glorious feeling of stepping out of your warm bed onto a cold,
squishy, slimy hairball! Perhaps we should feel flattered that our beloved feline companion has
left a piece of herself as a special gift for us, but frankly, most of us would rather bond with our
cats another way!
What causes hairballs in cats?
Nature gave cats lots of wonderful, soft fur. Normally, when kitty grooms and ingests the dead,
loose hair, it passes through the gastrointestinal (digestive) tract and comes out in the stool. A
carnivore's gut is designed to handle fur, its own as well as the fur attached to prey animals. (If
you've ever been hiking and come across "scat" from a coyote or fox, it's evident that it is mostly
fur.) However, generations of directed breeding have created cats with much longer coats than
ever conceived of by natural selection. And some cats, even shorthairs, just seem to have tender
tummies. When too much hair collects in the stomach rather than passing out through the gut, it
irritates the stomach lining and whoops — there's a hairball, on its way back out the wrong end of
the cat! (By the way, the correct medical term for a hairball is "trichobezoar," pronounced
trike-oh-bee-zohr — your vet will be impressed!).
Problem signs of Hairballs
While an occasional hairball is no cause for alarm, if your cat is vomiting up a hairball more than
once or twice a month, it's time to think about a plan of action. This will probably start with a trip
to your veterinarian for a thorough exam. It's important to make sure the problem is only hairballs
and not something more serious. Problem signs include hearing the "Hairball Hack" — that awful
coughing sound cats make when trying to expel an offending ball of fur — if no hairball is
forthcoming; and any frequent vomiting. Coughing without expelling a hairball can signal feline
asthma, and frequent or persistent vomiting of any kind should always be checked by your vet.
A Holistic view
From a holistic point of view, excessive trouble with hairballs indicates a basic systemic or
energetic imbalance. A holistic veterinarian would consider the entire cat, including history,
previous medical problems, diet, environment, social and family issues — even the cat's
personality. Hairballs would be just one symptom, one that will be weighed in totality with all the
other information. For instance, a cat that follows the sunbeam all over the house, and sleeps next
to the heater vent would receive different treatment than a cat that sits next to an open window
in the dead of winter, even if they both displayed the "symptom" of frequent hairballs.
Prevention of Hairballs in cats
Prevention, as they say, is worth a pound of cure. Frequent combing is often all it takes to resolve
the problem. But brushing won't do. Brushes tend to slide over the surface of the fur and don't
get all the dead hair out. For shorthaired cats, a fine-toothed flea comb is best. Longer hair may
require a wide-toothed comb, or one with revolving teeth to prevent tearing out the hair.
Many hairball-plagued cats will try to self-medicate by eating grass or plants. The coarse plant
fibers will cause the cat to vomit, and hopefully, the irritating hair will come up as well. Not all
grass-loving cats have hairballs, however. You need to carefully observe your cat so you can
accurately report the situation to your veterinarian.
Treatment for hairballs in cats
Hairball treatments generally fall into two categories: adding fibre to the diet, or giving a
lubricant (usually a petroleum jelly product) to slide the hair through to the correct end of the cat
for disposal. A third option, which might be used by a holistic vet, is homeopathy. A good remedy
for foreign material in the stomach is Nux Vomica. A dose of Nux will often help the cat expel all
the problematic material — but then you have to deal with a big fat hairball on the floor. In
practice, I used Nux to oust some major league hairballs, as well as the occasional chicken bone or
baby sock.
For many years, the treatment of choice for hairballs has been petroleum jelly. This can be given
plain, as in good old Vaseline, or in a commercial product, such as Laxatone, Petromalt, or
Katalax. These come in malt, tuna, and liver flavors that appeal to many cats. Petroleum jelly's
molecules are too large to be absorbed by the intestines; it passes through the cat unchanged,
and is perfectly safe. I fed my cat, Spirit, plain Vaseline every day her whole life — she lived to be
well over 20, so I feel confident in saying it didn't hurt her at all. In fact, she loved it, and would
pester me mercilessly for her bedtime dose! Administer daily for a week or two, then once or twice
a week for maintenance. Hairball "treats" contain mineral oil rather than petroleum jelly. It works
on the same principle, but has a slightly more laxative effect — don't overdo them! Edible oils, like
olive, flaxseed, or fish oil, will be absorbed by the intestines and thus may not finish their escort
duty, although a cat with dull or dry fur would benefit from the fatty acids they contain.
If your cat is not a petroleum jelly connoisseur, the traditional method of administering it is to
smear a glob of it on a front paw. But be careful! A chunk of goop on a paw is liable to be flipped
off in one quick and very efficient motion. My first apartment probably still has Vaseline on the
ceiling! It's better to spread it on the leg below the elbow, or any place it's easy for your cat to lick
off. You can also put a dab into a syringe and force-feed it to your cat, but if it comes to this,
you're probably better off with a more kitty-friendly method of treatment.
Diet for hairballs
Fibre is relatively easy to add to the diet. There are a lot of hairball control cat foods and treats
out there. How do they work? The general idea is that the higher fiber content will help hair pass
through the gastrointestinal tract, out the other end, and into the kitty litter box where it belongs.
Many hairball diet foods contain powdered cellulose and other fibers like beet pulp, while hairball
treats can contain mineral oi
l, a laxative that works much like petroleum jelly products in helping "slide" undigested hair
through the intestines.
The "natural vegetable fibre" is commonly powdered cellulose. Fibre is thought to bind the hair
and stimulate the gut to help move it on through the digestive tract. You can also use canned
pumpkin (up to 1 tbsp. twice a day, plain or mixed with wet food). Some cats like the taste, most
don't seem to mind it, and a few won't have anything to do with it. Psyllium or rice bran may also
be added to food. Don't overdo the fibre, though: too big a dose at one time will "roto-rooter" the
gut and cause diarrhea. Most hairball diets on the market have 2-10 times the normal amount of
fiber, which is potentially irritating to the tender lining of the gastrointestinal tract. If you try one
of these foods, make the switch gradually, and be sure to watch closely for too-loose or too-dry
stools; either may result.
However, high fibre may have some serious drawbacks down the road. Besides a potential for
diarrhea/constipation, there are a number of other possible concerns:
Excessive fibre holds water in the gastrointestinal tract, which results in a more concentrated
urine, which could increase the risk for urinary tract disease. Cats should be thirstier and drink
more water on a higher fibre diet, but that doesn't mean they will.
More fibre causes more stool and increased bulk, which may be undesirable to some people. No
more hairy messes on the carpet, but a lot more stools in the litter box!
Even if the fibre increases intestinal mobility, it may not force the hair to pass out of the stomach,
which is the real problem with hairballs — they get stuck in the stomach, not the intestines. No
one has proven that fibre does anything to enhance stomach contractions or gastric emptying.
Petroleum jelly products, on the other hand, do appear to get the hair out of the stomach.
Since there can never be more than 100% of ingredients, an increase in fibre means a decrease in
something else. And the ingredient lists of many hairball formulas are suspiciously similar to
light/diet foods. Some light/diet foods have even more fibre than the hairball formulas (but less
Bloating, cramping or gas may occur as fibre is increased in the diet. For kitties, this can usually
be minimized with a gradual switch of foods, but is something to keep in mind if the cat seems
The hairball formula can be more expensive than maintenance diets of the same brand, even
though fibre is a very inexpensive ingredient.
On the positive side, many hairball formulas promise improved coat condition and a decrease in
excessive hair shedding. But so do a lot of maintenance diets. Most of the hairball foods'
packaging recommends regular grooming sessions in combination with their food to keep
hairballs down (or move them on through) — which is one of the best ways to decrease hairballs
anyway, you don't need a special diet to accomplish that!
Many cat lovers who prepare homemade diets for their feline companions say that hairballs are
much less of a problem. The cat actually has little, if any, physiological need for fiber, and it does
make sense to feed what nature intended the cat to eat: meat, fat, a few organs, a little bit of
vegetable matter — and, of course, hair!
So don't despair; with just a little effort, soon it will once again be safe to get out of bed!